



METROPARKS OF TOLEDO - One of America’s Best Park Systems

The modest goal of Metroparks of Toledo is to become one of America’s best park systems, if they’re not there already. I worked with North Design of Toledo, Ohio to refresh the Metroparks brand and develop a comprehensive, optimized website.

There are fourteen parks in the Metroparks system, each offering a distinct natural experience, all connected by natural pathways. Everyone in the metropolitan area is just five miles from a metropark, as well as access to the beauty, wonder and nature the entire system offers.

The site provides a wealth of useful information and reminds Lucas County residents of Metroparks immeasurable value to the community, now and for generations to come. Just as importantly, the site invites everyone to get outside and enjoy the parks and to “get outside yourself.”

I enjoyed collaborating with Ryan Kindinger and David Woodward of North Design and the team at Metroparks of Toledo.